Title: Creating a Risk-Based Budget for Cybersecurity
Description: This course provides guidance on how to answer such questions as: how do I secure my organization with the current budget I have? How much money should I be budgeting for cybersecurity? If I want to move my organization to a greater level of cybersecurity, how much would that cost?
Target Audience: Entrepreneurs, Small Business Owners, Executives, Aspiring Cybersecurity Professionals
Outline and Duration:
- Total time commitment: 45 minutes
- Instructor Background and Course Overview – 2 minutes
- Understanding and Prioritizing Risks – 15 minutes
- Budgeting Resources – 5 minutes
- Exercise (Ranking Risks) – 10 minutes
- Quiz – 10 minutes
- Feedback Survey – 3 minutes
- Outcomes: Students are able to:
- Qualitatively measure, rank, and prioritize risks
- Understand various costs associated with cybersecurity
Related Classes:
Handling Cybersecurity Breaches
Cybersecurity 101